breast reconstruction

quick facts

Procedure Type



General Anesthesia


Local Flap: 3-5 hours
Free Flap: 6-8 hours

Recovery Period

3-4 weeks


Breast Reconstruction surgery is a solution to address the physical concerns that arise due to mastectomy, lumpectomy, or congenital deformities. In a woman’s life, her breasts play an important role. Her breasts help to define her overall appearance and give her self-confidence. However, due to breast cancer, a woman may have to undergo mastectomy (removal of breast), or lumpectomy (removal of part of breast), and that might make her feel low and insecure about her looks. This is where a good breast reconstruction surgeon can help. Breast reconstruction is a surgery that requires specialized surgical expertise. So, before deciding to undergo this surgery, it is imperative to get a clear understanding of the process, and the do’s and don’ts associated with it. Being the leaders in breast surgeries, and in the field of breast reconstruction in India, we share the relevant information here for you.


  • What is Breast Reconstruction?
  • Why Breast Reconstruction?
  • Deciding about Breast Reconstruction
  • Who is a good Breast Reconstruction candidate?
  • When should you have your breast reconstruction done?
  • What are the types of Breast Reconstruction?
  • Is Breast Reconstruction permanent?
  • How much does Breast Reconstruction cost?
  • Breast Reconstruction – recovery period and downtime
  • Breast Reconstruction – risks and complications
  • Preparing for initial meeting with the surgeon
  • What should you ask your Breast Reconstruction surgeon?
  • Breast Reconstruction – preparing for the big day
  • Breast Reconstruction recovery & follow-up
  • Breast Reconstruction results – what can you expect
What is Breast Reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction surgery is a process of rebuilding the woman’s breasts to normal appearance, shape, size, and proportion following mastectomy, or lumpectomy.
Breast reconstruction is performed under general anesthesia, and a few days stay at a hospital will be required. This is a multi-step process, and usually requires more than one session of surgery.
Broadly speaking, there are 2 types of breast reconstruction, one where the surgeon inserts an implant and stretches the skin over it. And the other is flap reconstruction, where the surgeon uses tissues from other parts of the body to recreate the breast.
For a successful breast reconstruction operation, a specialized and experienced team, like ours at Cocoona, is needed. Our top surgeons have done over 4,000 breast surgeries with amazing results.

Why Breast Reconstruction?

A Breast Reconstruction surgery is usually performed for breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy. ,br>This procedure can be initiated at the same time as mastectomy (or lumpectomy) is being done, or can be planned for a later date, well after recovery from the loss of breast tissues. Since each patient’s case is unique, the attending surgeon will advise on the best path forward individually.
The end-objective is to recreate the affected breasts, in such a manner that they look natural, and help your appearance and self-confidence.
To discuss your individual case, and to get advice from the leading breast surgeons in India, book a confidential consultation with us.

Deciding about Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction is a multi-step process, which possibly involves different surgical procedures over a stretch of time. Therefore, it is important for you to assess matters carefully before going ahead with your decision. Common questions that we suggest you ask yourself are:

  • How will this surgery affect my personal and intimate life?
  • Will the surgery give me more confidence and contentment?
  • Will I be comfortable with this change?
  • Do I realize that my breasts can still change over time after the surgery?

Once you have answers to these questions, you must then take the most important steps of identifying the best breast surgeon, and breast clinic for your surgery. This will ensure that you get the best consultation, advice, and results.
A top Breast Reconstruction surgeon is one who is appropriately certified, well qualified, has loads of experience, has worked with different solutions and techniques, and is well respected amongst his peers and patients. The surgeon should have a good track record of consistent and quality results. Also during your initial consultation, remember to ask him to share the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos depicting his work.
A well-known and respected breast clinic is one which has a good team of surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and nursing staff. Their location should be convenient and the premises should be approved by the medical authorities. They should have a reputation of successful surgeries, and their team should be able to explain the details of the procedures to you.
Cocoona has been voted as the “Best Aesthetic Clinic” in 2016, and is licensed for day surgeries under local anesthesia. Since breast reconstruction surgery is done under general anesthesia, we perform the procedure at an alternate hospital of your choice, or at other facilities where we have an affiliation. Rest assured, our team will help you make a confident and informed decision. Check out the profile of Dr. Sanjay Parashar, the best breast surgeon in UAE.

Who is a good Breast Reconstruction candidate?

Breast Reconstruction is indicated for women who have undergone breast removal (full or partial) as treatment in their fight against breast cancer.
A normally healthy woman, with stable blood pressure, is generally a good candidate. Being a non-smoker also helps.
All women undergoing breast mastectomy, should have the option of considering reconstruction surgery. This can be done at the same time of the mastectomy or can be done later.
For some patients, the doctors will advise not to have the reconstruction initiated, because of possible complications, and existing medical conditions. To get a better understanding of the issues, you can consider getting a second opinion from another surgeon.
Come and talk to our experts to get guidance on the possibilities of having your breasts reconstructed.

When should you have your breast reconstruction done?

There are two options:

  1. Immediate reconstruction – this is initiated at the same time as the cancer surgery.
  2. Delayed reconstruction – this is planned for a later date, after recovery from the cancer surgery.

Immediate Breast Reconstruction

Having the immediate reconstruction helps in many ways. Firstly, the patient will have new breasts after they wake up from the cancer surgery, and this helps them cope easier with the feelings of having lost their breasts. Also, there will be fewer operations and thus reduced usage of anesthesia. Scarring will be less visible. And the new breasts will be made with the existing skin, giving it a better look.

Immediate reconstruction will not be recommended if radiotherapy has to be used after the surgery, as it may damage the reconstruction.

Another challenge that immediate reconstruction faces is in case of complications, the chemotherapy needed will have to be delayed. And that is not advisable in the fight against cancer.

Delayed Breast Reconstruction

For those who plan for the delayed breast reconstruction, the biggest advantage is that the breast cancer treatment can be completed without being affected by the reconstruction process. It also gives the patient more time to evaluate options before deciding on the breast reconstruction process.

The issues facing delayed reconstruction is that for the time being, the patient will have no breast tissues, and may have to choose wearing false breasts. Also, the scar on the reconstructed breast will be larger than after immediate reconstruction.

A good surgeon will explain all the pros and cons for both the time-based options, and answer your queries in detail.

You can book a confidential appointment with our surgeon to discuss the subject.

What are the types of Breast Reconstruction?

Broadly speaking, there are 3 types of breast reconstruction options that the surgeon will select from:

  1. Using implants to replace the breast tissue
  2. Building the breast using your body tissue
  3. Combining implants with body tissue

At Cocoona, we have the expertise across all these options, and that is one of the reasons that we conduct the most number of successful breast reconstruction in India.

Let’s look at what these options are and when they are used:

Implant breast reconstruction:

The surgeon will stretch the skin and then place the silicone implant into the correct area. This is relatively a simple procedure which leaves small scars and offers a good shape for small and medium sized breasts. It does not change in size when your weight fluctuates.

This type of breast feels less natural, cooler, and less mobile than natural breasts. And since it is an alien part inserted into your body, over time, the implant may need changing.

If radiotherapy has been done or is scheduled, then this procedure is not recommended, as complication risks increase.

Body Tissue Breast Reconstruction (Flap Reconstruction):

Using your own body tissue to reconstruct the breasts will give a warm, soft, and natural feeling breast. This is also known as “flap” reconstruction. In this method, the surgeon takes some skin, fat tissue, and muscle from another part of your body, and makes it into a breast shape.

Specialized breast reconstruction plastic surgeons can create the breasts from:

This type of surgery is not recommended for over-weight, or diabetic women, or heavy smokers.

  1. Using a flap from your back (latissimus dorsi flap)
  2. Using a flap from your abdomen (TRAM flap)
  3. Using just skin and fat from your abdomen (DIEP reconstruction)
  4. Using just skin and fat from your buttocks (SGAP or IGAP reconstruction)
  5. Using skin, fat, and muscle from your thighs (TMG or TUG reconstruction)

If the woman has undergone radiotherapy, or radical mastectomy to remove the chest muscle, or has large breasts, or has a tight mastectomy scar – then flap reconstruction may be the best procedure.

Implant and Body Tissue Reconstruction:

In this process, a combination of implant and your own body tissue are used to recreate the breasts.

Based on your desired shape and physical condition, your surgeon will determine if this method suits your particular case.

Please feel free to discuss the benefits of each type of option before deciding which is good for you. Our surgeon will recommend the best option for you, his experience and training will guide you to the best possible results.

Dr. Sanjay Parashar is possibly the best breast surgeon in Dubai & UAE. Come and talk to them, or any of our other specialist surgeons to understand which method will give the desired shape and size for your breasts.

Is Breast Reconstruction permanent?

When the Breast Reconstruction is performed by a good surgeon, the results can be very long lasting, giving many years of satisfaction.

A Breast Reconstruction surgery has a very high success rate, and most patients are satisfied with their results when the surgery is done with a good breast surgeon.

Nevertheless, changes in body weight can affect the results, and you may then decide to do a follow up / correction. Further, if implants have been used for the reconstruction, they will need to be replaced at the end of their useful life.

At Cocoona, the skill of our leading breast surgeons ensures that your surgery is done in the most technically proficient manner to ensure maximum longevity and minimal chances of revision surgery.

How much does Breast Reconstruction cost?

The cost of a Breast Reconstruction surgery depends on the following:

Surgeon’s Expertise – The surgeon’s fee is based on their experience. Obviously, a reputed surgeon with an established track record of quality results will charge higher fees, and give you a better, long-lasting result.

Technique – The technique used also affects the cost – based on incision type.

Clinic/ Hospital – Fees also depend upon the quality of the facility chosen for the operation. Since multiple surgeries are needed to complete this process, you should ensure that the quality is maintained throughout the period.

A Breast Reconstruction surgery that is done as part of a post-mastectomy treatment for cancer, may be covered by insurance. Please check with your insurance provider about eligibility.

You should bear in mind that the expertise of your surgeon and your comfort factor with him/ her should be one the most important considerations than just the cost of the surgery. An initially cheaper option could turn out to be an expensive proposition in the long run.

For an accurate assessment of cost, you would need an initial consultation with our surgeon

Breast Reconstruction – recovery period and downtime

Breast Reconstruction is a process that involves multiple surgeries – usually 2-3 surgeries, spread a few months apart, and planned in accordance with the cancer treatment stages.

The initial surgery typically takes between 3-4 hours. It is done as an inpatient procedure, and usually 1-2 nights stay in the hospital would be needed for the initial surgery. Subsequent surgeries are usually outpatient surgeries, in that, the patient can go home the same day.

Most women can return to normal activities within 4 weeks and usually require only 2-3 weeks off work after the initial surgery.

You can commence basic exercises like walking, treadmill, stationary biking after 4 weeks. Heavy lifting or intense physical activity should be done only after your surgeon’s permission – could take up to 3 – 4 months.

Breast Reconstruction – risks and complications

As with any kind of surgery, there are risks that arise due to anesthesia, and the surgery itself.

Though the risks are unlikely, some of the possibilities are:

Due to Anesthesia – allergic reactions, chest infection, blood clots
Due to Surgery – scars, bleeding, infection, allergic reactions, partial or total loss of flap and sensation, implant rupture.
It is important for you to choose a surgeon and clinic which has an exceptional record in minimizing risks and complications.

For your information, Cocoona’s rate of complication is less than 0.8% annually since 2005 – clearly displaying our expertise and success as the best clinic in India for aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. Book your initial consultation

Preparing for initial meeting with the surgeon

The initial meeting with the breast surgeon is very important. It will give our experts an opportunity to better understand your needs, and they will be able to share their experience and explain the procedure to you. A common goal of the outcome can then be established. You will also be able to assess your comfort level with the surgeon.

By this time, you should be clear on why you wish to undertake the Breast Reconstruction surgery and what are your expectations.

Once you are clear about that, share the answers with the consulting surgeon. That will allow for a better understanding between you and the doctor, making you better prepared for the procedure.

Your consultation with our breast surgeon will include the following:

  • Your reasons, need and goals from the Breast Reconstruction surgery
  • Your health, lifestyle and habits, ongoing medications, previous operations and relevant medical history
  • Measurements of your breasts/ anatomy, maybe some pictures too
  • Options available for your surgery, and which is best suited for you
  • Explanation of steps involved, what you can expect, potential risks, recovery period, do’s and dont’s.

A bit of apprehension is natural, but don’t feel shy in discussing any issues that you may have in respect to your new look. These are essential to help plan your surgery better, and improve recovery time.

Our next section, gives a list of handy questions that you may want to ask our consulting breast surgeon. Do read that too. Print out the list and keep it handy so you don’t miss out asking any questions directly. Click here to book your consultation.

What should you ask your Breast Reconstruction surgeon?

Now that you have gone through the basic questions in your mind, here are some of the other topics you should broach with your surgeon during your initial consultation with our surgeon …

About The Surgeon & Clinic:

  • How many years of experience do you have as a Plastic Surgeon?
  • How many Breast Reconstruction procedures have you done?
  • What are the most common complications that your patients have had? And how were they handled?
  • Do you have a “before” and “after” photo album for this procedure?
  • Where will the surgery be conducted?
  • Is the clinic prepared and certified to conduct breast surgeries?
  • Does the clinic have a licensed anesthesiologist on board?

About The Breast Reconstruction Surgery:

  • Am I a good candidate?
  • What can I expect after the surgery?
  • What precautions would I need to take pre-surgery and post-surgery?
  • How many days will I take to recover fully?
  • What should I do for a quick recovery?
  • Will the shape and appearance of my body change over time? If yes, how?
  • What are the risks involved in this procedure?
  • What treatment option/ technique will be used for me?
  • Where will my scar be?
  • How long will the procedure take?
  • How soon will I be able to resume my normal activities at home and work?
  • What are the chances or situations in which I will need a reoperation?
  • How many surgeries would I need? When will they be done?

About Expected Results:

    • How will my breasts change over time?
    • What are realistic results for my specific case?
    • What additional follow-ups will I need?

Please feel free to add any more questions that you wish to this list before your consultation session.

You can rest assured that besides these questions, our team of top breast surgeons at Cocoona, India will also tell you about the procedure in detail, and patiently answer all queries you need clarification on

Breast Reconstruction – preparing for the big day

The big day preparation should start now. We would suggest that you relax and follow the guidelines that we share with you. Our team at Cocoona, India has a lot of experience with breast surgeries. Closer to the big day, an additional consultation may be required to finalize all details of the surgery and to once again ensure that you clearly understand the expectations and risks of the procedure.

You may be required to do breast mammography or ultrasonography.

You will need to refrain from smoking and stop medications that can thin your blood.

Our team of nurses, counselors and doctors will provide you the support bra and all necessary instructions, and ensure you are fully equipped and ready for your surgery.

Breast Reconstruction recovery & follow-up

Immediately after your breast reconstruction surgery, your breasts will be bandaged, and you will also be given a special bra that will help reduce the swelling, while also offering support to the breasts.

Your prescribed medicines will include pain killers, antibiotics, and ointment for the surgical area. A complete schedule of follow up appointments will be prepared for you, and the doctor will advise you on the physical activities that you may or may not undertake.

Usually women take 2-3 weeks off work for this surgery. Most women get back to regular work within 4 weeks. Basic exercises can be resumed with 4 weeks. For harder exercise schedules like aerobics, consult your surgeon before you start. Carrying heavy loads is not advisable until your surgeon permits. Swelling starts reducing within 3 weeks, but the healing process itself will take several more weeks.

The surgeon may also prescribe vitamins and provide dietary guidelines. Collectively all these will aid your recovery.

The scars from the surgery are permanent, but will gradually fade. Use of creams to minimize scars will help.

The nursing staff at Cocoona will ensure that your recovery package details are clearly explained to you and you can reach out to them anytime for clarifications.

Breast Reconstruction results – what can you expect

The final results from your breast reconstruction will only be apparent after the swelling disappears and the skin settles down around the breasts. This might take 3-5 weeks. Then the new shape and breast will be apparent for you to admire.

The scars of the incision will diminish over time, but are permanent.

Over time, due to aging, gravity, hormonal issues, and weight fluctuations, your breasts might change. You may also need to come back for an implant replacement upon the expiry of the useful life of your implants, if your breast reconstruction was done with implants.

Keeping a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and your weight under control, will help to retain your new breast contours for long.

You should also continue regular monitoring of your breasts through self-examination, and mammogram or ultrasound


Breast Reconstruction surgery is a solution to address the physical concerns that arise due to mastectomy, lumpectomy, or congenital deformities. In a woman’s life, her breasts play an important role. Her breasts help to define her overall appearance and give her self-confidence. However, due to breast cancer, a woman may have to undergo mastectomy (removal of breast), or lumpectomy (removal of part of breast), and that might make her feel low and insecure about her looks. This is where a good breast reconstruction surgeon can help. Breast reconstruction is a surgery that requires specialized surgical expertise. So, before deciding to undergo this surgery, it is imperative to get a clear understanding of the process, and the do’s and don’ts associated with it. Being the leaders in breast surgeries, and in the field of breast reconstruction in India, we share the relevant information here for you.

breast reconstruction in India – why at Cocoona?

Cocoona has the correct equation – the top breast reconstruction surgeons in India, licensed anesthesiologists, amongst the best facilities, and well-trained nurses and support staff. Although your initial surgery itself will not be done at Cocoona, but at our affiliated hospital, or another hospital of your choice, you would be in the safest professional care. Our surgeons do the most number of breast surgeries in UAE, and are rated extremely highly among their peers and patients.

Overall, we have served over 30,000 patients. And our complication rate of less than 0.08%, is a testament to our expertise! Led by Dr. Sanjay Parashar, the most accomplished breast surgeon in India, our team of plastic surgeons have performed 4,000+ breast surgeries and 48,000+ cosmetic surgeries overall. With our team at Cocoona India, you can be sure you are in the safest pair of professional hands and you will have a satisfactory result from your surgery.

Our breast surgeons can deliver outstanding results and help you to gain a new beautiful form that will make you feel proud and confident.

If you need Breast Reconstruction in India, you’ll be best taken care of at Cocoona.

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    client testimonials

    Positive feedback and appreciation from our valued clients is the ultimate proof of our service quality.
    It’s the single purpose that motivates us to work harder and better at serving you.

    Dear Cocoona & Dr. Sanjay, Thank you so much for my Breast Augmentation procedure. Its 1 month on and I could not be happier with the result . All the way through from the initial consultation to the post op checkups, all your staff has been wonderful. The Dubai London Clinic for the surgery was fantastic. I would definitely recommend to others to Cocoona. Now if you could fix my handwriting skills please?
    Thanks again.

    Dear Lovely Staff of Cocoona, I love the environment of the Clinic, staff is so beautiful & positive always smiling. And Dr. Sanjay is the best, friendly, positive & smart. I am very happy with the procedure that I have done & I strongly recommend anyone who is reading these to please “go for it”. Mini and the other Nurses around are dolls, cute and positive. Love the All!
    Thank you & Best Regards

    I want to thank you for the great effort and expertise that you put in the hair transplant procedure which you did on me. You have fixed a big cut from a previous, very bad hair transplant in Jordan. It kept me very nervous and uncomfortable for very long time. Now, after conducting this surgery by you, I feel very very happy because the cut is almost gone. I like your personality and professionalism. I am really glad that I made a decision to come to Dubai and conduct the surgery at Cocoona Clinic Thank you very much.

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